Though I've learned a lot of difficult concepts this week in all my classes, the hardest thing I learned last week happened in my Science class. We were learning about animals needs and at first it seemed kind of simple. My teacher told us how most need oxygen and water. But then he started talking about phospholipids, amino acids, homeostasis, nucleodites and a bunch of other sciency stuff. It all looked like a bunch of jiberish to me. I didn't understand a word of it. I studied day and night for the test on this, hoping something in my brain would finally click and I could say, "Your cell membrane has 2 phospholipid layers," or, "Protien is made up of amino acids" and "All animals must constantly maintain homeostasis to live." But, unfortunately, nothing like that happened. So on Friday it still looked like it was in a different language than the one I speak. I took the 20 problem test, the whole time wishing that it was longer so I could afford to miss more problems and still get a passing grade. Most of the problems, I seemed to know. "Maybe all that studying did pay off!" I thought. But then, at the last 4 questions. I blanked out. I started to worry and I couldn't remember what the difference was between amino acids and nucleic acids.  I was positive I got those 4 wrong. That was NOT going to bring my grade up. I had a high B, and was hoping to bring it up to an A with this test.
    I ended up getting the last 4 wrong on that test and it brought my Science grade down by 2%. I was so disappointed! When I really thought about it, I realized why I missed those 4 questions. I realized why I didn't understand it. I didn't ask any questions. I now know to ask questions when I don't understand something. I still have 2 days to bring my Science grade up and I'm going to do everything I can to do so. Wish me luck!

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