Leadership Speech


    Today in leadership class I had to give a speech about someone I thought was a good leader and why. I was assigned this last Thursday and had the weekend and Monday to think about what I was going to do. At first I chose Alexander the Great but then I realized that, as great of a leader as he was, he would be a difficult person to write a report on because he conquered so many people and didn't treat them very well. I tried Mansa Musa, Alexander Ghram Bell, and a lot of other people that I honestly don't remember. I kept hoping that a lightbulb would go off in my head and I would find the perfect person to write about.  Wait a second... did I say lightbulb? That's when it came to me, that's when I knew exactly who to write about: Thamas Edison, the guy who invented the lightbulb in 1874. After that, I wrote a quick speech and put it in my binder. There was just one problem.
    The speech! How could I forget I had to say this in front of the whole leadership class which is over half way filled with eighth graders? There was no way I could pull this one off. I can't speak in front of a class! I have a horrible fear of speaking in front of people. Mr. Armstrong said it was time for he speeches, but just minutes before he had sent me outside to help with the rally. I thought he would forget that I was assigned to say my speech today. But I was wrong. He came out a few minutes later and said it was my

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