Cyber bullying


    Cyber bullying is a big and growing problem for many schools. There are so many different ways to cyber bully anonymously, where the bully doesn't think they'll get caught. Although many cyber bully's do get caught, there are way too many that don't. There are many children that are victims of cyber bullying that don't tell an adult, or anyone else who can help them. Many cyber bullied kids don't feel comfortable with speaking to an adult about the problem.
    We need to help these kids and find them someone who they can trust. As well as that, we need to find an effective way to put a stop to this problem. The schools that have this problem are trying their hardest to end cyber bullying but, no matter how many times they tell students not to, most kids won't stop. There has to be another way, and I'll put it in my blog as soon as I think of something.   

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