Career Cruisers


    In computers, I got to go on this site called Career Cruisers. On this website, you take a quiz and it gives you many options of jobs that will suit you. Then we had to pick  (at least) 3 possible careers for us and save them to our profile. Nearly my entire life I was positive on what I was going to be when I grow up. From the time I was four I wanted to be a professional author. I didn't know that there were so many other options that have to do with writing but include more things I would like. So, now I'm not quite sure what I'm going to be when I grow up, but I guess that's a good thing because I know that there are so many other possibilities.
    Although being an author is still top on my list, I've now found a lot of other careers that would suit me Such as a lawyer, a movie script writer, or an English teacher. Though it would be difficult, I currently think it would be amazing to be a lawyer and an author at the same time. But, I'm not going to say I'm sure about something so far into the future.

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